VMware User Group (VMUG) 是一個全球性用戶社群的組織,於去年八月正式成立。主要目的針對 VMware 或合作夥伴產品方案的 knowledge sharing, training, collaboration, events。是一個獨立、使用者主導的單位。
參與會員也會得到一些產品訊息、價格優惠、協同交流、會議及增加領域人際網路等好處,目前全球各地區 VMUGs 會員數已經超過 5 萬 6 千人。我看了一下列表,台灣目前並沒有 VMUG,如果有人有興趣要發起一個的話,Group Leader 要求條件是:
Time commitment (approx 2-4 hours/month) and organizational skills Strong network and ability to build and maintain group membership Experience with VMware products Substantial professional experience and credentials a plus Read and share ideas with local VMware User Groups members in the Local User Group Forums
成立 local VMUG 的條件是:
Maintain active membership of at least 25 users Hold group meetings and events at least quarterly Participation in a dedicated VMware Community Discussion Forum Designated Group Leadership
具執行活動能力且對 VMware 產品感興趣的用戶,可以到這裡 Apply
VMUG 網站:http://www.myvmug.org