5.0 新版的 Performance Best Practices 已經提供下載,此文件對於調整 vSphere 5 到達效能最佳化,有很大幫助,有興趣的朋友不妨翻閱一下。全長快 70 頁,份量算是不少,我也還沒來的及看。先列出主要內容供您參考:
- Virtual NUMA, allowing guests to make efficient use of hardware NUMA architecture
- Memory compression, which can reduce the need for host-level swapping
- Swap to host cache, which can dramatically reduce the impact of host-level swapping
- SplitRx mode, which improves network performance for certain workloads
- VMX swap, which reduces per-VM memory reservation
- Multiple vMotion vmknics, allowing for more and faster vMotion operations
- Power management
- Configuring ESXi for best performance
- Guest operating system performance
- vCenter and vCenter database performance
- vMotion and Storage vMotion performance
- Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) and Distributed Power Management (DPM) performance
- High Availability (HA), Fault Tolerance (FT), and VMware vCenter Update Manager performance