


微軟總算釋出免費版的 iSCSI software target 了。印象中之前只有 Windows Storage Server 才有 iSCSI target fuction (若有錯誤請指正)。雖然免費版沒有其他進階功能,但 Windows Server 現在可以免費建置 IP SAN,仍是功德一件,值得鼓掌。

不過..... 相較於其他廠商的 free solution,這次的 MS iSCSI target 3.3 只有支援 Win2008 R2 的版本,沒有支援 32bit 的 Win2003。這意味著除非 host OS 是 2008 R2,將 MS iSCSI target 安裝於 host OS,否則如果是用 Nested ESXi 所生成的 Guest OS,是沒辦法使用的。

既然不能應用於 vSphere in a box 的環境下,我也就興趣缺缺了..... 若有人有興趣拿來當作 vSphere 的 Shared Storage,請告訴我用起來感覺如何... 因為 Microsoft 只提他們家的 Hyper-V (廢話)。請從這裡下載,以下並節錄一些 Microsoft iSCSI Target 3.3 的 FAQ:

Q: Can I install the Microsoft iSCSI Software Target 3.3 on Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003?
A: No. The Microsoft iSCSI Software Target 3.3 can only be installed on Windows Server 2008 R2.

Q: Can I install the Microsoft iSCSI Software Target on Windows Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1 (SP1)?
A: Yes. In fact, that’s what is recommended.

Q: Can I install the Microsoft iSCSI Software Target on a Core install of Windows Server 2008 R2?
A: No. The Microsoft iSCSI Software Target 3.3 is only supported in a Full install.

Q: I don’t have a copy of Windows Server 2008 R2. Where can I get an evaluation copy?
A: You download an evaluation version of Windows Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1 from

Q: Where is the x86 (32-bit) version of the Microsoft iSCSI Software Target 3.3?
A: The Microsoft iSCSI Software Target 3.3, is provided in only in an x64 (64-bit) version, as is Windows Server 2008 R2,

Q: What are these “iSCSITargetClient” MSI files included in the download?
A: Those are the optional VSS and VDS providers for the Microsoft iSCSI Software Target 3.3. You should install them in the same computer that runs the iSCSI Initiator if you intend to use VSS or VDS. For details on VSS, see For details on VDS, see

Q: Where is the Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 documentation?
A: There is some documentation inside the package. Additional documentation is available on the web at

Q: Can I use the Microsoft iSCSI Software Target 3.3 as shared storage for a Windows Server Failover Cluster?
A: Yes. That is one of its most common uses.

Q: Can I install the Microsoft iSCSI Software Target 3.3 in a Hyper-V virtual machine?
A: Yes. We do it all the time.

Q: Can I use the downloaded Microsoft iSCSI Software Target 3.3 in my production environment?
A: Yes. Make sure to perform the proper evaluation and testing before deploying any software in a production environment. But you knew that already…

Q: What are the support policies for the Microsoft iSCSI Software Target 3.3 on Windows Server 2008 R2?
A: The support policies are listed at


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