VMware 最近發布的 Event,無法正常在 vCenter 顯示效能監控的問題,目前只有在 vCenter Server 4.1 才會發生。
如果你的 vCenter Server 4.1 有設定日光節約時間,並且發現無法顯示 Performance Charts 的話,暫時的解決方案如下:
- Use Advanced Chart Options:
- Click Performance.
- Click Advanced.
- Click Chart Options and the choose the chart you want to review.
- Use a custom time range when viewing performance charts after clocks are set back:
- Click Performance.
- Click the Time Range dropdown.
- Choose Custom.
- Specify From and To options that exclude the hours for when the time change occurred.
For example:
If Standard Time settings were applied on November 7, at 01:00 AM, you could use these ranges:
Before the time change:
From 1/11/2010 12:00 AM To 7/11/2010 12:00 AM
After the time change:
From 7/11/2010 03:00 AM To 8/11/2010 15:00 PM
Note: In this example, the time from 12:00 AM to 3:00 AM is not included because this is when the time change occurs.
或請參考 VMware KB:Performance Overview charts fail after Daylight Savings changes are applied